Monday, November 5, 2012

Thieves will be Punished!

This week our big troop meeting happened to be held at St Timothy's Church (thank you St Tim's for letting us use your wonderful meeting room!). One of the projects was for the girls to make little marshmallow snowmen. The girl who organized the meeting had all the materials for all the projects and she did a great job...except that she had nothing for the girls to put their finished snowmen on. So I wandered into the kitchen of the church and found some tinfoil which I passed out to the girls.

But then later it occurred to me...I was in Jesus' house...and I took something without asking...I just stole from Jesus! I'm pretty sure I'm going to hell. I am also pretty sure that the right thing for me to do now is to confess my sins. But here's the thing, half my family is Jewish (they don't believe in confession), half my family is Catholic (I'm pretty much going to hell anyway just based on that combination) and St. Timothy's is an Episcopalian church (do the Episcopalians even practice confession?) so I don't really know who I should be confessing to... And in any case, doesn't God already know that I stole from Jesus...doesn't he see everything?

And to make it all worse, two minutes before my depraved act of thievery I had put my hand up and promised to "serve God and my country." 

So I am pretty sure that is why when the meeting finished early, one of the other leaders had this idea! "Let's take the girls for a walk around the park." That would have been a great idea except there were 18 girls, 2 adults and, by the time we cleaned up, it was dark in the park. Now personally the number one thing that turns me into a raving lunatic and might get my Outstanding Leader badge revoked is trying to keep track of a large number of girls in a wide open space....I worry that I will lose someone and I generally spend the entire time obsessively counting and recounting the girls...who by the way are usually moving at high speed and I'm never sure if I counted this one once or twice or...wait did I cout that one...Argh! now I need to recount! Now add to all of that the fact that it was dark in the park so they were even harder to spot and when you did find them they had no features! the end of it my cranky was off the chart, my head was spinning around, and there may or may not have been pea soup involved...

The girls on the other hand all said "that was the best part of my day!"


hleighh said...

My girl LOVED the time in the park! Also, as an Episcopalian I believe that Jesus would have offered you the tinfoil and some Ziploc bags to go with it. He says, when someone asks for your coat, give them your shirt also!

Unknown said...

I believe you are probably right. For sure Jesus would forgive me. So other than that little hiccup in my day I don't really expect repercussions. On the other hand, I don't think stealing from Jesus is a Scouting value I ought to be imparting :) So maybe I'll be a bit more careful in the future!

Glad your daughter had fun in the park. It sure is nice to see them all together having a good time across the different ages! That part of going to the park was really fun! And it's neat that they are young enough that being out in the park after dark is still a big adventure!

Dallasv said...

I was brought up on 'God helps those who helps themselves' - so you're most likely not going to burn in eternal hell for that particular transgression. But I'm happy to help you try harder if you want!

Unknown said...

Thanks Dallas!

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