Friday, November 2, 2012

On Meeting Times

So my 6th Grade Scouts recently came to me with a request:

Scouts (out loud):
We don't have enough meetings...we like our Girl Scout meetings and we miss each other. Can we have more meetings?

Me (in my head):
  1. Did you just say you want "more meetings"?? I actually have no life and I'm totally chuffed with myself because I must be doing something right for you to ask for that so I'm very psyched!
  2. Oh (insert nasty word here) I am about to get it in the neck for:
    1. the time we meet
    2. the place we meet
    3. the time the meetings start
    4. the time the girls get home from the meeting
    5. the necessity for them to eat dinner first
    6. the necessity for them to do homework after
    7. the exact dates of the meetings that don't mesh with this girl's ukelele performance and that girl's pony dressage classes.
    8. the cost of junk food'
    9. the nutritional value of junk food
    10. the traffic on the freeway
    11. the fact that so many people feel the need to commute after work
    12. the price of crude oil
    13. the weather patterns in North America
    14. Ummm in case you think that I am the one who wants more meetings...see the opening statement above.
  3. Can someone please just tell me where and when to show up? I will happily pay for my crude oil, drive my daughter through the wilds of commuter traffic, feed her whatever junk food I can find along the way, and be there on time. I will. I just don't want to have to negotiate about this anymore...
  4. Pretty please!
Me (out loud): 
That sounds like a great idea...I'll make it happen  :)


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