Friday, November 2, 2012

Broken Throttle Cable

So I took a group of Scouts from Mountain View to Marin for a ropes course a few weeks ago. I had too many Scout Bottoms for the number of seats in the cars that were going so I borrowed a friend's larger vehicle. And of broke down on the off ramp from the Bridge on the way home...just as it was geting a neighborhood I'm not familiar San Francisco.

Me: Is this Triple A? My car has a broken throttle cable and I'm stuck on the off ramp to the Golden Gate Bridge with 6 Girl Scouts.

Triple A: Should I call the Bridge Patrol?
Me: Aren't you supposed to tell me that?

Triple A: Are you sure you didn't just run out of gas?
Bridge Patrol Truck Driver: Are you sure you didn't just run out of gas?
Car Owner on the phone: Are you sure you didn't just run out of gas?
Car Owner's Husband: Are you sure you didn't just run out of gas?
Triple A Tow Truck Driver: Are you sure you didn't just run out of gas?
Parents of the Girls in the car: Are you sure you didn't just run out of gas?

Me: Where do I start...

  1. Yes I'm sure! I have been driving for 30 years and I know how to read a Gas Gauge!
  2. No I'm not sure...maybe I did run out of gas but refilling the tank might not help all that much since the gas pedal is not connected to anything!
  3. Hello!!! I'm a Girl in always prepared...
  4. Does it matter? As in you'll help us if we have a "real"problem but if we are "just" out of gas you are going to abandon us by the side of the road?
  5. Why yes sireee you big strong hunky tow truck driver you...I'm just a little weak woman who doesn't even know the difference between an empty gas tank and a flat tire...why I'm lucky I know where to put the key in this big ole SUV here...thank goodness you have come to save me and all my little ones who are just as weak as kittens from hunger...
Scouts in the Car: We need to pool our resources and hunker down. Everyone get out your leftovers from lunch!


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