Wednesday, October 31, 2012

On Courage, Character and Confidence

Now as I've stated in the past, I drank the Girl Scout Kool Aid. But as a leader I have to question the wisdom of the National Organization when they changed their motto from "Building Girls of Courage, Confidence and Character" to "Discover. Connect. Take Action." Personally I found those words - Courage Character and Confidence - to be aspirational. They were something I hoped I could live up to and something I was honored to try and build in my Scouts.  "Discover. Connect. Take Action." Feels like the road map for a service project. Now don't get me wrong, I understand the need for Service and I think it is very important for our kids to feel empowered to make changes in the world. But for me, Girl Scouts under the old motto was about so much more.

So I wonder why the Scouts chose this new version of itself. They took away all the badges for Rock Climbing and Surfing and Skiing and added in more badges about Cookies and Shopping. Seriously you can now get a "Savvy Shopper" badge and a "Cookie CEO" in you want my daughter to be a better shopper?!??!!! Why?

I get it that the badges that inspired me to take my girls out and help them challenge themselves physically and mentally won't change the world...but I have seen (and heard from parents) over and over  how they do change the girl...and I believe that if you change the girl, she can, and will change the world.

So why would you want to dumb down the program so it is all about Service Projects and Cookie Sales? As our society changes and our girls have more opportunity than ever before? Why would the Girl Scouts decide that they can do less...not more...

I know it sounds like I am just reactionary and don't like change...but here's the thing...when the Scouts first came out with their new program I was so excited. The old badge book was full of really great ideas and showed me a million things I could do with my the new one would clearly be full of more great ideas!!! I was psyched. And then I got the new materials...serious disappointment ensued...serious disappointment. But I thought "I'll give it a try. I'll trust this organization that has given me so much. I'll do this for them." 1 year later, I still miss the old books. I miss the old badges and more than anything I miss the old motto.

So, in the end, I choose to live with the old motto. I will jump through whatever hoops the Scouts require so I can continue leading my amazing girls...but I will do it in the spirit of "Building Girls of Courage, Confidence and Character" and if we happen to "Discover. Connect. and Take Action." along the much the better!


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